
GET api/Construction

Get all Construction Permits based on the parameters passed

GET api/Construction/{id}

Get a Construction Permit details by tracking number


Public Space Rental/ Annual Permit: All permits related to public space rental permits, or use public space for commercial purposes on an annual basis. This includes Valet permit, Farmers Market, Intercity Bus, Commuter Bus, Shuttle Service, Sightseeing Bus and Tour Bus etc

GET api/AnnualPublicSpace

Get all Annual Public Space Permits based on the parameters passed

GET api/AnnualPublicSpace/{id}

Get an Annual Public Space Permit by tracking number


Documents: All publicly available documents that are related to a specific permit.

GET api/Documents

Get all documents related to a single Permit by tracking number

GET api/Documents/{id}

No documentation available.


Special Tree Removal Permit: A tree within the District of Columbia that has a minimum circumference of 44 inches is defined as a special tree and requires a permit for removal.

GET api/Tree

Get all Tree Permits based on the parameters passed

GET api/Tree/{id}

Get a Tree Permit details by tracking number


Commercial Vehicle Permit (Annual): The commercial vehicle loading zone permit grants the right to use curbside loading zone spaces (for up to two hours, during the specified hours of operation for each zone) and the tags grant rights to make trips in, out, or in and out of the District.

GET api/CommercialVehicle

Get all Commercial Vehicle Annual Permits based on the parameters passed

GET api/CommercialVehicle/{id}

Get a Commercial Vehicle Annual Permit details by tracking number


Parking/Occupancy Permit: Companies, residents and others may obtain Temporary Occupancy and Parking Permits required for the short term private use of public space in Washington, DC. Permits may be for metered/non-metered curbside parking for moving trucks or containers, a construction staging area, a block party, a parade, etc.

GET api/Occupancy

Get all Occupancy Permits based on the parameters passed

GET api/Occupancy/{id}

Get an Occupancy Vehicle Annual Permit details by tracking number